Sunday Obits & Eats

One of my favorite memories of my childhood-or maybe traumatic memories-was when my dad would flip open The Sunday Times, take a deep breath, and begin to read the obituary section.


To me.

To no one.

Just starting the morning right, with bacon, eggs, and someone’s death.

Just one of the answers to why I became a mortician…

When I ran Undertaking LA-the original funeral home for The Order of the Good Death-we would have numerous requests for an obituary section but when you’re just a young mortician trying to make your way in the world you don’t always have the time or resources.

Obituaries are so fascinating because they often contain unexpected information about those we love. My favorite was an absolute roast of a very bitch aunt from her very hilarious nephew. My greatest regret is not saving that, but I hope one day I find it again so I can post it here.

While currently the faces below are probably pretty familiar due to their prominent work it is my hope that you will submit your own obituary, and hopefully a recipe, about your favorite human. Hell, send me the obituary you want written for yourself! Tell a friend that they can find it here if you die. It’s my goal to keep this site going as long as I live and after. Maybe this website is my obituary… (scratches head) oh shibby I think I just stumbled onto something…