Tikka Masala

When I ran Undertaking LA with my colleague Susana I would make this for us nearly everyday. I think that makes this one of my first real “grief therapy” dishes. I have fond memories of bringing this in to work and heating it up in the microwave and squeezing lime juice all over it as Susana and I rehashed whatever gripes we had for the day. I miss making this for her and I know she misses eating it. You are going to read this recipe and ask yourself a big what the heck? This recipe is a bit messy and has lots of liner notes because I want you to learn how to cook when you make it rather than just “make it”. But don’t worry if you aren’t into that I linked the original recipe here. Look I’m not trying to send traffic away from my site but it’s important to me that I credit my sources and I learned a lot from Sweet Potato Soul and I think you should check out her food too, it’s basically all comfort food and sympathy meals if we are talking funeral terms here. I’ll close this here and let you get cooking but my wish for this dish is that you make it for someone you love like I love Susana and that dining over this creates a lasting friendship which will definitely end in one of burying the other one eventually.


  • Coconut oil or grapeseed oil

    • Just make sure it’s a “high heat” oil. So, no olive oil.

  • One onion diced

    • Yellow, White, Red. Use whatever you got

  • Garlic minced

    • I use as little or as much as I want. I suggest 2-4 cloves

  • Garam Masala or Vindaloo Curry or Tandoori

    • Use whatever you got. I have some pre mixed stuff but here’s a suggestion for a home made blend

    • In descending Order: Paprika, Cumin, Coriander, Garlic Powder, Ginger Powder, Cardamom

    • Confused about ratios? Start with a 1/2 tablespoon of Paprika, 2 teaspoons cumin, 2 teaspoons coriander, 2 teaspoon garlics, 1 teaspoon ginger, 1/2 teaspoon cardamom. SMELL your spices. Your mouth and nose work together. Add more of each spice from here

  • 1 (28oz) can of tomatoes

    • I’m purposely vague here because this is the apocalypse. Who gives a fuck what it is? Even if it has basil in it, your spice blend will mask it. The important thing is that you have 28oz of tomatoes as we are focusing on ratios

  • 1 cup vegan yogurt

  • 1/4 cup coconut milk

  • salt to taste

  • 1 package of tempeh crumbled

    • Don’t got it? Cool skip it.

Masala Directions

  1. Add roughly two tablespoons of oil to a large pot. I eyeball it but two tablespoons is a good start. Pick a deep pot with lots of room as it fills up quick.

  2. Add diced onions once the oil is hot. Sautee them for 5 minutes or so. They will brown and start to turn clear. If you mess this up it’s fine. I’ve cooked onions a million ways of wrong and heat and oil and onions always tastes great once everything else is in.

  3. Add your minced garlic. I have a garlic press and I would highly recommend getting one of these as I am not a fan of mincing shit. I drink when I cook and the goal is to not cut myself.

  4. Saute garlic for 3 minutes.

  5. Add your spice blend and toast it for about 1 minute. I scoot all my onions and garlic to one side of the pot so I can dump my spices in . Then when they smell good I mix the onion and garlic back into it and toss that around for another minute or two.

  6. Now you can add the tomatoes, coconut milk, yogurt, and crumbled tempeh. Stir it all up and then bring to a boil.

  7. Reduce to a simmer and let that shit chill for an hour or two.

  8. When I say this is my everyday don’t give a fuck. Cannot ruin meal. That’s what it is. I just toss this in a pot, bring the heat up, and then simmer, and carry on.

  9. I would say to make a pot of rice to serve this over. You can also cube sweet potatoes and add that to the pot and allow it to cook in with everything else. You can roast cauliflower and or broccoli. Top with a squeeze of lime. People you can do anything! It’s that good.

Rice Directions

  1. Take two cups white rice. Rinse. Soak for 10 minutes.

  2. Bring 3 cups of water with 1 cup of coconut milk mixed in it to a boil.

  3. Drain and rinse rice and add to boiling water

  4. Cover the rice and reduce to a simmer.

  5. Cover up the rice and DO NOT uncover for 18 minutes. You need that steam. Resist the urge to check on it. If you’re desperate do it at 17 minutes.

  6. You should have awesome coconut rice when all is said and done.

  7. Top the rice with masala, more yogurt, lime, dash of salt.

  8. Enjoy


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