Mortician in the Kitchen

Amber Carvaly Amber Carvaly

Gluten Free Chocolate Buckwheat Waffles

What's better than a chocolate waffle? A gluten free chocolate waffle! Seriously! I have been a huge fan of blueberry buckwheat pancakes so I couldn't wait to try these! I hope that this is a great intro into buckwheat or just another recipe you can add to your rolodex!

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Amber Carvaly Amber Carvaly

Almond Butter

This is absurdly easy to make and so satisfying when you do. The only thing you’ll need is a semi decent food processor. While it’s also easy to just buy it from the store making your own helps reduce extra bottles and jars that would go to the landfill.

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Amber Carvaly Amber Carvaly

Vegan Biscuits and Lentil Gravy: A Plant-Based Breakfast Delight

I hear a lot of people say how much they miss biscuits and gravy when they go vegan. To be honest I didn’t like them when I was a meat eater. However, this recipe is so dang good I think I have a new found understanding for why you love that stuff. So behold delicious vegan gravy (and biscuits).

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