The Therapeutic Art of Crafting Flour Tortillas: Healing Through Grief Cooking and Meditative Baking

In the world of culinary therapy, few activities are as rewarding and comforting as making your own flour tortillas. Beyond their culinary purpose, these humble, handcrafted circles of dough carry the power to heal and soothe. In this journey, we explore the therapeutic art of crafting flour tortillas, delving into how this age-old practice can serve as a form of grief cooking and meditative baking, bringing solace and nourishment to both the body and soul.

The Ritual of Ingredients

Flour Tortilla Ingredients

  • 1 cup All Purpose Flour: The foundation of your tortillas

  • 2 tbsp olive oil: Adds a touch of moisture and tenderness.

  • ¼ cup water: The magical elixir that binds the ingredients into dough.

  • salt to taste:To season and elevate the dough.

The Therapeutic Journey

Preparing the Dough

Embrace the Simplicity: Flour tortillas, at their core, are beautifully uncomplicated. Their ingredients are minimal, offering a blank canvas for creativity.

Kneading as Meditation: Combine the flour, salt, and vegetable oil in a bowl, and slowly add warm water while stirring. As you knead the dough, focus on the rhythmic motions, channeling your emotions into the tactile experience.

Finding Solace in the Process: Grief can be overwhelming, but the act of kneading and shaping the dough allows you to channel your energy into a comforting ritual, providing a meditative escape from sorrow.

Rolling and Shaping

Mindful Creation: As you roll out each tortilla, consider the intention behind it. Each circle symbolizes a moment of mindfulness, a step towards healing.

Connection to Heritage: If making tortillas is a part of your cultural tradition, the process can serve as a bridge to your roots, connecting you to ancestral wisdom.

The Healing Scent and Sound

Cooking the Tortillas

The Sizzle of Comfort: The aroma of tortillas hitting the hot skillet and the sound of sizzling can be therapeutic. It's a sensory experience that grounds you in the present moment.

Nurturing Through Nourishment: Sharing freshly made tortillas with loved ones can be a silent act of care and comfort, a way of saying, "I'm here for you."

Nourishing Body and Soul

In the world of culinary therapy, making flour tortillas transcends the boundaries of a simple recipe. It's a journey of self-discovery, a meditation on grief and healing, and a loving tribute to tradition. As you knead, roll, and cook, you're engaging in a process that not only fills your kitchen with the comforting scent of homemade goodness but also fills your heart with a sense of solace and connection.

So, take a moment to embrace the therapeutic art of crafting flour tortillas. Allow yourself the space to grieve, the time to meditate, and the joy of savoring the fruits of your labor. In this simple act, you'll find a profound and meaningful way to nourish both your body and your soul. Bon appétit, and may your tortillas bring you comfort and healing with each delightful bite.



  • Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl (not the flour for sprinkling of course) using a spoon or fork. It shouldn't take more than a minute or so.

  • If the dough is too dry add a little more water.

  • When you've got a big lump of smooth dough, split it into four balls (super important: put some flour on your hands if the dough is too sticky).

  • Sprinkle some flour on a flat surface and place the first ball on it.

  • Press down on the ball with your hands, turn it around and press again until the dough is fairly flat. Again, if the dough gets a little too sticky at any point, sprinkle more flour on it!

  • Then use a rolling pin or equivalent to flatten the dough into a thin circle, roughly the size of a frisbee.

  • Always flatten the dough a little at a time and spin it round again to prevent it from sticking to the surface. That way you’ll get them very thin without breaking them.

  • To the cooking: the key to a tasty tortilla that stays soft is cooking quickly and at a high heat. Flash cooking if you will.

  • So, get a large pan and turn the heat up. You don't need any kind of oil or fat or spray for this. When the pan is ready to go, throw in your first tortilla. 30 seconds per side should be enough - brown spots are a good indicator that it's cooked but not burning. When you've done both sides take the tortilla out of the pan and pop it on a plate.

  • Next, roll out the second ball and cook in the same way.

  • Repeat until finished.

  • That's it, your awesome handmade tortilla wraps are ready.

  • Enjoy!


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