Crispy Quinoa Cakes



  • 1.5 C cooked quinoa

  • 2 TBS Ground Flax Seed + 6 TBS Water (To be mixed together separately in a small bowl to form your "egg")

  • 1 C de-stemmed kale

  • 1/2 C rolled oats (put in blender and grind into a flour)

  • 1/2 C grated sweet potato (I leave the skin on as there is lots of nutrients in them but you can take the skin off and put in freezer to use later for a home made veggie stock)

  • 1/4 C finely chopped sun dried tomato

  • 1/4 Sunflower Seeds ( I use Trader Joe's Super Seed & Ancient Grain Blend)

  • 1/4 fresh basil (chopped)

  • 2 TBS diced onion

  • 1 TBS tahini (try to pre-stir the jar and get the liquid mixed in. Trust me it'll make it easier. Since you are reading this now, just take the tahini out of the fridge and let it get to room temp. It'll make things easier)

  • 1.5 TSP dried oregano

  • 1.5 TSP red or white wine vinegar

  • 1/2 TSP salt

  • 3 TBS flour (want to make this gluten free? sub buckwheat or almond flour)


  • Pre heat oven to 400 degrees

  • Mix flax seed and water in a small bowl and let it thicken for about 3 minutes. Don't skip this! You need to let the flax thicken up to help as a binding agent.

  • If you want, you can use an egg substitute instead of Flax. When reading recipes 1 TBS of flax equals one egg. So this recipe calls for 2 "eggs". I like using Bob's Red Mill egg substitute for some recipes. However, Flax is super healthy so it's up to you what nutritional value you want.

  • Take all of the ingredients and mix them up in a bowl. Yeah it's that much of a no brainer. I use my hands to knead the patties because this mixture is thick and I find it helps.

  • Form patties. I like to use my 1/4 measuring cup to parcel it all out.

  • Place on a parchment lined cookie sheet

  • Bake for 15 minutes. Flip them at about minute 8. You want both sides nice and crispy

  • These can be reheated later. Just add some oil to a cast iron skillet or pan and fry for three minutes a side.

Post Script

Hey! Don't forget! Do NOT use olive oil for frying. Studies show that olive oil turns carcinogenic at 375 and above. While I've read articles that say not to worry about cooking with olive oil as "Dr. So-and-So" says it is fine, that information is usualy followed by something like "Learn how olive oil targets belly fat and lose up to 32 pounds in 32 days with the Flat Belly Diet!" So always consider sources on articles that say things are safe or unsafe. Even my stuff! I encourage you to do your own research but I will say, I use safflower oil to fry with. Do an internet search for smoking temps to learn more.


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