Support My Work

How can you support me?

This question deserves it’s own page because there are so many ways that can help support my work that do not require money. Although money is great. Me like money!

Join my Community

No, it’s not a cult. I am sorry to disappoint you.

Fun fact, my background is actually in non-profit work and volunteer coordination and I derive a massive amount of joy by sitting and listening to what makes folks happy and fulfilled and finding a way to create projects you can achieve that support your community.

It wasn’t until much later that I fell into funeral directing which solidified the idea that I am very comfortable with talking about very uncomfortable things.

All of this has led me to something amazing; the creation of my own non-profit. Well really your non-profit as I want this to be for you.

I am in the process of soft rolling out a community I have named-well no-my friend Alex named, The Perpetual Flame. I wanted to name it after my favorite saint; Saint Brigid. She’s the patron saint of Ireland and is a loving sort of mother figure, but also, her miracle is she turned bathwater in beer, and as a brewer, and someone who is very irish, that really speaks to my soul.

The Perpetual Flame is in the process of applying for its 501(3)c status and full disclosure I have applied for church status. Perhaps because I am so anti-religion I thought, what would happen if those outside the organizations created what they felt alienated them? Churches receive extra benefits to help their community and I am, in my heart, a servant of the community.

I love anyone everyone, not regardless of faith, but because of the beauty of their diversity. I have spent over a decade leading funerals of every faith and it solidified what I already knew, we all just want love, community, and safety.

The Perpetual Flame aims to get grants that are set aside or labeled Community Impact. These are the grants that involve community engagement and cooperation. They lift us up and teach us to work together. If I could spend the rest of my life serving my community and helping you serve yours, I will die happy.

When you join the community you boost the reach I have and the ability to help achieve actual good in more than just my own home.

Buy me a coffee! Ok well not a literal coffee, buuuuut, I have a Buy Me a Coffee page which let’s you donate to my work in $3 increments. So if you feel like tossing me a few bucks that’s great and you can click the link below.

Subscribe to my Patreon. I share the account with two other totally amazing morticians so it’s like you support three for the price of one!