Mortician in the Kitchen

History and Lore Amber Carvaly History and Lore Amber Carvaly

Sweet, Deadly Secrets of 1858: The Bradford Humbug Poisoning

Unearth the chilling tale of the Bradford Humbug Poisoning of 1858, a haunting historical incident that shook the streets of Bradford, England. Follow the harrowing story of tainted candies and tragic deaths in a time when poison lurked in everyday products. Discover the shocking events that unfolded, revealing a systemic failure driven by carelessness and profit-seeking. Explore how this eerie chapter in history led to groundbreaking legislation and still resonates with modern-day concerns about food and pharmaceutical safety. Delve into a dark period where a single wrong ingredient led to a deadly outcome, and where lessons from the past continue to echo in the present.

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