A Potato Dish for Julia

This recipe is from The Pleasure of Cooking for One by Judith Jones. I was excited to find this book in my hunt for the best recipes as it turns out the author penned this cookbook for the very reason I was in search of these recipes, because she-an accomplished cook-was now only cooking for herself. This is a topic that can be difficult to talk about. We often love to romanticize and talk of our own death and funerals, but we ignore the reality that death can be and is often sad. It takes away a life and identity we may have had and forces us to reinvent our day to day life. I imagine that there will be more recipes pulled and veganized from Miss Jones book, of which I hope she will not mind. I wanted to start with this one as I have many potatoes in my kitchen now that need to be cooked off so this will make a great dish to go with tonight’s meal.


  • 2 medium potatoes

  • 1-3 small garlic cloves

  • 4 teaspoons non-dairy butter

  • Fresh Sage or Thyme (optional)

  • Salt & Pepper to taste


  1. Peel and slice your potatoes very thin.

  2. Peel and mince your garlic with the flat of your chef’s knife. Mash it with a little salt until you have a paste.

  3. Work a little butter into it.

  4. Heat 2 teaspoons of butter in your small frying pan over medium-low heat and lay in a couple sage leaves or a dash of thyme if you are using them, and half the potato slices.

  5. Salt and pepper them lightly

  6. Smear the garlic paste on top

  7. Add the remaining layer of potatoes and cook gently setting a cover askew on the top of the pan

  8. After about 8 minutes you will want to flip the potatoes. Place a plate over the pan and flip the potatoes onto it. They won’t hold together perfectly but it’s ok.

  9. Heat the remaining butter in the pan then slide the potatoes back in and cook them for a about 5 minutes with the cover on

  10. Remove cover and cook for 2 more minutes

  11. Once it’s fully browned take them out and enjoy!


A (sorta) Basic Vegetable Soup


Victoria Sponge Cake