Healing Brew: Saint Brigid and the Lepers' Miracle

It was a total bummer of a day in early spring, and a group of lepers had arrived at Saint Brigid's monastery seeking shelter and warmth. They were weary from their travels and their bodies ached with pain because walking is for suckers.

Saint Brigid threw open the doors to her home and welcomed them with open arms! She knew that the walk had left them soiled and tired and knew a warm bath would soothe their aching limbs. The lepers were grateful for her kindness, and as they got out of the bath, they looked around for their customary beer and gasped when they saw there was none. They hung their heads in disappointment, longing for a taste of the sweet, warm (there wasn’t ice at this point) beer that they had come to love.

Saint Brigid felt horrible, think of her as a real Cher from Clueless, she really wanted everyone to feel good at a party, and she knew that she had to do something to lift their spirits. So, she closed her eyes and prayed to God for a miracle. Suddenly, she felt a warmth spreading through her body, and when she opened her eyes she saw that the old bathwater was slowly transforming into a giant tub of beer!

The lepers watched in glee as the water turned from murky bathwater to a sparkling golden. Their eyes grew larger as they watched it begin to bubble with frothy foam. The water had literally turned into beer right before their very eyes! Saint Brigid smiled as she watched their delight, knowing that she had been blessed with the power of God to perform this miracle. And honestly if there is a God, this is what he should be doing right now.

The lepers eagerly drank the beer, feeling the ale dance through their bodies in only the way a good draught could ease pain and brought them comfort. They laughed and joked with one another, feeling a sense of joy that they had not felt in a long time.

As they left the monastery, they were filled with a renewed sense of hope and gratitude. Or maybe they were just really really drunk. I’m still not sure how big this tub was. They knew that they had been touched by the hand of God through the miracle of Saint Brigid. And the story of her turning bathwater into beer would be told and retold for generations, a testament to her compassion and devotion.

For Saint Brigid, the miracle was a reminder of the power of faith and prayer. It was a symbol of the deep connection that she felt with the natural world and with the people she served. And it was a sign of God's love and mercy, which she carried in her heart always. It’s also a sign that women are absolutely the coolest and that Jesus can keep his wine. Or that maybe the two of them are partying extra hard in Heaven throwing the most killer parties the world has ever seen.

Saint Brigid's Honey and Heather Ale Recipe:


  • 8 pounds of Pale Malt

  • 1 pound of Honey Malt

  • 1 pound of Vienna Malt

  • 1 pound of Heather Tips (dried)

  • 1 ounce of Goldings Hops

  • 1 package of American Ale Yeast

  • 1 cup of honey

  • 5 gallons of water


  1. Begin by bringing 5 gallons of water to a boil in a large pot.

  2. Once the water is boiling, add in the Pale Malt, Honey Malt, and Vienna Malt. Stir well and let the mixture steep for an hour.

  3. After an hour, remove the pot from the heat and add in the dried Heather Tips. Stir well and let the mixture steep for an additional 20 minutes.

  4. After 20 minutes, strain the mixture through a mesh bag or cheesecloth, and discard the Heather Tips.

  5. Return the mixture to the pot and bring it back to a boil. Add in the Goldings Hops and let the mixture boil for an additional 30 minutes.

  6. After 30 minutes, remove the pot from the heat and let it cool to room temperature.

  7. Once the mixture has cooled, transfer it to a sanitized fermenting vessel and add in the American Ale Yeast. Cover the vessel and let the mixture ferment for 7-10 days.

  8. After 7-10 days, transfer the mixture to a sanitized bottling bucket, and add in 1 cup of honey. Mix well.

  9. Fill sanitized bottles with the mixture, making sure to leave about an inch of headspace. Cap the bottles and let them sit at room temperature for another 7-10 days to allow for carbonation.

  10. After 7-10 days, chill the beer and enjoy the sweet, floral taste of Saint Brigid's Honey and Heather Ale.

This recipe is inspired by the legend of Saint Brigid turning bathwater into beer and uses honey and heather tips to create a sweet and floral flavor. Enjoy the beer as a tribute to Saint Brigid and her legacy of compassion, generosity, and miracles. Sláinte!


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